Quantum Solutions
About Quantum Solutions
Quantum Solutions is a spinoff from the prestigious, widely cited research group led by one of the forerunners in the field of quantum dots, Prof. Osman Bakr, and supported by frontier scientists Prof. Liberato Manna, Prof. Maksym Kovalenko and Prof. Omar Mohammed. Quantum Dots are nanomaterials with outstanding photoelectrical and photoluminescence properties. Quantum Solutions’ QDot™ Quantum Dots serve as active materials and platform technology in wide range image sensors: to extend the sensitivity of silicon CMOS sensors beyond visible light for short wave infrared, UV and X-ray cameras. The technologies are protected with more than 20 granted and pending patents.
Company Metrics
- Employees: 1-10
- Monthly Visits: 1
- Tech Stack: None active products
Financial Information
- Estimated Revenue: $1M to $10M
- Total Funding: 500000 USD
- Last Funding: 500000 USD (Seed)
- Funding Status: Seed
Technology Stack
Quantum Solutions actively uses None products in their tech stack.
Market Presence
Industries: Nanotechnology, Sensor
Headquarters: Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom